More Questions Answered
Sunday, February 10, 2008
burghbaby in Random

Remember when I told you to ask me anything? Well, here's some more answers for you:

Pam asked:
1. Do you want more kids?
Yes. We are most certainly not done, but right now the Inn is full. There isn't even so much as an empty drawer where we could stick another baby. So unless someone invents a way to hang a crib out the window, we need to buy/build a new house before we add to the clan. There's also the matter of knowing that we would like to adopt an older child that we will eventually attend to. Someday.

2. Dream vacation?
A six-week tour of all things Disney. One of my goals in life is to visit each and every Disney park and so far I've got Florida, California, and Paris under my belt. Tokyo NEEDS to happen, and I need a return trip to everywhere I've been.

3. Favorite thing about Alexis? Mr. Husband?
My favorite thing about Alexis is her sense of humor. The girl dishes it out just as well as she takes it, and I LOVE it. OK, so maybe I don't think it's all that funny when she insists on slamming doors in my face, but she really gets a kick out of it, especially when it's the French door going into her room. There must be something about seeing my smashed face that's extra, extra funny. As for Mr. Husband, my favorite thing is how hard he tries to make everybody happy. It gets him in trouble sometime (fruit snacks before bed, for example), but I love that he tries.

4. I know you have lived in a lot of places- what is/was your favorite place to live?
Hands down, Pittsburgh. I love the Burgh. Orlando would be my second favorite.

5. Besides your computer - favorite daily life item you can't live without?
My bed. And -oh- how I miss sleeping in it for 10 hours uninterrupted. Shoosh with your "that'll never happen again" comments, too. I prefer to tightly clutch my pipe dreams, thank you very much.

Melissa asked:
1. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
Riding the Tower of Terror at Walt Disney World. Or my bed. Both places make me very, very happy.

2. If you had 20 million dollars what would you do with it? Pay off all of our bills, buy a new house (not a mansion, my dream house does not include the need for maid service), go back to college and finish my Masters, pay for Mr. Husband to get his Masters, put back a crapload for Alexis, and then help out some of our family with the few hundred dollars that would be left.

3. If you could go back and change one decision you've made what would it be? I thought about this one all weekend and can't think of a single one. Sure, I've made tons of bad decisions along the way, but something good came of every single one. Really. I took a crappy job with a crappy company a few years ago, and it sucked all the live long day, but I met some great people there. I wouldn't trade them for not going through some of that misery. Even that time in the first grade that I got sent to the principal's office for stealing Chris's ski cap ended up having a rosy outcome.

4. If you could change one thing in your life right now what would it be? Preferably without having to give up the silly things in life like, you know, food.

5. Are you happy? Yup. What's not to be happy about? I have a great kid, a great husband, and a great job. If I could get that great house, I'd be in heaven.

1.Where did you get your sense of humor?
Without going into details, my childhood sucked big hairy donkey balls. I had two choices, revel in my misery and allow it to consume me, or look at the happy side of life. I chose and still choose the latter.

2. What do you do to destress? Hang out with Alexis, preferably coloring or reading. If she's not feeling the love, then I will read by myself. Frankly, these days her books are more fun.

3.What movie or novel title best fits your life?
Sorry to be a disappointment, but I can't think of any. I tried asking Mr. Google for ideas, but he didn't seem to want to be of any help.

4. What food do you eat that you swore to everyone else you would never, ever eat? Again, I'm sorry, but I've got nothing. I'm pretty good about not making promises to myself or others that I won't keep. There was about a ten-second window where I thought I could give up all things containing gelatin (since it's not vegetarian), but then gummy worms came floating through my conciousness, and I discarded the idea. We are talking about the person that swore off meat as part of a bet, and still hasn't eaten it 17 years later. If I say I ain't eating it, I ain't eating it.

5. What is one movie you've seen and TV show that you watch(ed) that you swear/swore you never, ever watch(ed)?
Movies? What are those? As for TV shows--Lost. I didn't watch it the entire first season because I don't like to watch new shows (I hate when I love something and then it gets cancelled). Then I swore I wouldn't get involved in something that would just leave me dazed and confused. I now sit here dazed and confused. Who or what is Jacob anyway?

6. If you could give your 18-year-old self advice (knowing what you know now), what would it be?
Lie on that college application and say you are a resident of Ohio. Use a PO Box or something. That out-of-state tuition thing is a killer.

Madame Queen wants to know:
If you had a to glue a baseball to somewhere on your body for the rest of your life, where would you put it and why?
My forehead. If I'm going to have a big ball hanging off me, it might as well be in plain view. That would have to be better than trying to conceal it and having people constantly try to figure out what I was packing. And for the love of gummy worms, what is the story behind that question?

Jenni wonders:
If you had to give up one of the following, forever, which would it be, a) tampons, b)toothpaste or c)deodorant?
I'm pretty sure you meant to add d)none of the above to that list. No? OK, then, I'd give up deodorant. There is no way I could ever go without toothpaste since I can't even take a shower without brushing my teeth first. A girl has got to have her tampons, but I'm pretty sure I'd grow accustomed to my own stench, leaving the rest of you to suffer if I was forced (at gunpoint) to get by without deodorant.

There are way more questions to be answered, but I'm going to save them for next weekend. Thanks, y'all, for playing along!

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