Dora and Boots are Prom Cuss
Friday, February 22, 2008
burghbaby in Random

It has happened before. Universes that Alexis loves have been known to collide. There was that time that Elmo was on Sesame Street doing sign language. I personally witnessed my poor child go slack-jaw, bug-eyed, and silent, unable to comprehend how it was that her second favorite monster could possibly know anything about her secret language. Then there was the time that we found her favorite monster, Zoe, on a backpack. The girl lurves Zoe. The girl lurves backpacks. Put them together, and watch as she spins in circles, trying to stare at her best friend Zoe whilst she sports her precious backpack.

Sometimes her universes collide in ways I didn't think were possible. She adores Dora, the bossy little Latina who has sold her soul to the devil by making appearances on everything from bags of broccoli to slippers. You would think the little snot would have amassed enough money to elope with her strange, talking "friend" Boots by now, but perhaps she has blown much of her wealth on booze and drugs. And then there is Alexis' love affair with bad pop music. I tolerate her SexyBack tendencies because Justin really does bring the sexy back. I sigh through her jaunts with Britney Spears because I figure she's just not old enough to understand just how wrong everything Britney is. And I shrug my way through her demands to listen to Nelly Furtado's Maneater and Prom Cuss in my car. It could be worse, after all, she could have better enunciation skills and actually say the word correctly.

No matter, two more of her favorite universes have collided, and I fear there would be some sort of mind-blowing disaster if she were to see it for herself. At minimum I would need some smelling salts because her little brain? Could not handle this much awesomeness.

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