I Should Have Known
Thursday, November 14, 2019

I've never actually been nervous before a parent teacher conference before. Heck, I haven't been to one in years because our district is one of those annoying districts that only schedules conference for kids who are having problems, which means apparently Alexis has teachers? And they think she's doing okay? I don't really know because I don't see these alleged adults that she spends her days with. Ever. I used to request a conference just to be a pain in the butt, but I've given up on even that. Conferences for Alexis just aren't a thing.

Oh, Mila.

She's a different kid entirely.

I wasn't nervous because I suspected Mila was doing badly, by the way. I had already seen her report card. I was nervous because there have been at least five times that Mila has returned home after school and reported that she was moved to a new table. FIVE TIMES IN NINE WEEKS. If if one or two of those times were a mis-reporting, the kid has still switched tables a lot. BUT WHY?

For the record, her first table was shared with twins. Twins who looked FREAKIN LIKE THIS.

Image result for creepy twins

Emphasis should be on the "FREAKIN" in that sentence because duuuuuuude. Those twins. Every time I've seen them them been dressed identically, holding hands, and they have THAT look on their face. I think they know they make grown-ups nervous and love every second of it. (They're very sweet, for what it's worth. Just ... reminiscent of THAT MOVIE OMG.)

I don't know why Mila was separated from the twins. I know they're still at a table together, but after the first week of school, Mila switched to a table with all boys. And then she was at a table with a girl who lives in our neighborhood. And then she was at yet another table, though that time came with an explanation. Mila reported that there was a new kid in her class, so she switched to make room for the new kid.

Anyway, Mila has moved a lot. I couldn't help but wonder what she had done to deserve that movement. Was she disruptive? Was she cheating off her neighbor's paper? Was she teaching other kids how to set fires?

So many questions.

I got my answer.

Mila has been moving all around the room because Mila "Adapts to change so well. She's such a trooper! Every time we have a new student or need to move someone because of behavioral issues, she's my girl."

Sounds about right.



Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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