Wild Jackals Can Dance
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Could it be? Is it yet another dance recital post? YES.

Sorry, not sorry. The good news is that it saves you from hearing about the 14 reasons Mila threw temper tantrums today, none of which were good reasons. Apparently both of my children have to be complete jerkwads the week before their birthdays.


Miss Mila. Oh, Miss Mila. The joy chasing ray of sunshine is consistently on brand in how she deals with ... everything. I mean, she is exactly who she is, which is to say she totally doesn't pay attention during her dance classes. It's hilarious. Mostly she loves going to dance because she considers it to be a social hour with a decent-sized audience. She flits about from friend-to-friend, chattering away and generally being a distraction.

Have I mentioned that Alexis student teaches Mila's classes? She's super enthusiastic about the fact that her baby sister is the worst listener ever. It is also hilarious.

So Mila has spent the entire year barely cognizant of the fact that there are actual dance moves being taught when she's at dance class. She fully admits it. Alexis has tried to make sure her sister was ready for her recital by making her practice outside of class, but hahahahahahalolololz. Not even Cesar Millan could train a wild Jackal to play fetch.

I expected to be muchly entertained at Mila's recital.

I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED. I have absolutely no clue how she pulled it off, but the wild one knew every step. She stood up on that stage and acted like the best student ever. Mila legit slayed her performances. Which, yay? I think? I mean, I thought I was about to see a comedy sketch, but I suppose it's pretty fantastic that she did learn something this year. One the way home from the recital, she begged me to sign her up for summer classes and picked her schedule for next year, so I guess she's sticking with it for now.

We shall see if she can manage to learn her dance again next year. In the meantime, she's hella cute in her ballet costume.


Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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