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A Very Important Question

It was just a typical Sunday around these parts. Mr. Husband was busy mopping floors while I was busy grouting some new tile. (Why, yes, we do epitomize stereotypical gender roles. Why do you ask?) Alexis was busy reenacting the past two Christmases as she rediscovered toys she had long ago forgotten existed, right up until I unpacked them for her this morning. (Shut up. I know we've been in this house three weeks and that it seems odd that I just now got around to unpacking some of the boxes clearly marked "TOYS." I've been busy painting and tiling and pretending there aren't boxes all over the dang place. It's hard maintaining this level of focus, yo.)

Alexis took a break in her enjoyment of all things plastic and annoying to seek out some lunch. She's become a bit too independent in that realm since we moved. It seems that having a pantry available for her to peruse has facilitated a never-before-seen level of crazy. She has managed to make her own breakfast by microwaving some waffles all. by. herself. She has managed to climb the shelves in the pantry so she could make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich all. by. herself as well. I'm expecting that she will either set the house on fire or knock down all its walls any minute now.

Fortunately, Mr. Husband caught wind of what she was up to before she had a chance to go mountain climbing for the peanut butter. (Yes, I know I could just put it on a lower shelf. Or, she could LISTEN when I yell at her to keep her feet on the floor. I like Option B a lot better in the long run.) As he gathered up the appropriate items to assemble the requested peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, he asked me if I would like one.

"No," I replied. Then my mouth ran away without my brain, "You don't make them right." I realized that I had just uttered fighting words two seconds too late. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, he doesn't hear a word I say these days, so he totally missed my diss on his peanut butter and jelly sandwich-making skills. Given that I was up to my eyeballs in grout at the moment, I was in no position for a battle royale.

(An aside, why didn't someone remind me that I HATE grouting? I know I repressed the memory of all that misery, but somebody should have reminded me so that I wouldn't voluntarily tackle a tiling project.

Erk. Grrrm. Strrreng.

Oh yeah! I'm going to put the same tile in the kitchen if we ever manage to scrape together the pennies to replace the counter top! There's something about that idea I'm forgetting, but I'm sure I'll remember about 14 seconds after I open the . . . huh. I forget what I was going to say. Whatever. MEMORY REPRESSION IS THE BESTEST.)

Anyway, that got me to thinking about how I can totally taste the difference when he makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It doesn't make sense, I admit, but I can. Because I know that there will eventually be a brawl over who makes the better sandwich, I'm preemptively arming myself with ammunition to prove that I'm right.

I'm always right.

In my head.

So, there are two methods of sandwich-making that happen in this house. One person puts the peanut butter on one piece of bread, the jelly on the other piece of bread, and then smashes the two pieces together. The other person puts the peanut butter on one piece of bread, then layers the jelly on top of the peanut butter, and tops off the layers it with a plain piece of bread.

Who is right?

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Oh, and hey! Looky what I did!



(Ignore the mess, please and thank you.)

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Reader Comments (63)

Oh my goodness that looks AMAZING!!! I'm so jealous!! You rock, girl :D

On the PB&J note...I did vote...but you didn't give the option for it depending on the situation. I prefer the TASTE of them comingling before assembly, but for easy (and the less messy approach) when I make them for the kids I do them on separate slices.

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

And the peanut butter has to go all the way to the EDGE of the bread. Not just slapped in the middle. If I have to eat crust, it better have something to make it more palatable, thank you.

I laughed because I said the SAME THING to my hubby six years ago (after fuming about his sandwich making skills for 7 years. Since I'd just given birth to our 4th child (at home without drugs, no less!) he didn't grumble. Much. For future reference (yours, not mine since the factory is shut down in our household) the week after having a baby is a pretty good time to fix those small problems we all have with husbands. Kindly. With much blame on postpartum hormones and pain. For some reason, they don't argue back quite so much!

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

OMG! You are amazing!! Okay, when can you come over and help me beautify my home? You don't have to do any work - just give ideas.

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJen

you have some made tiling skillz, girlfriend.

as for the poll, i'm biased by having had a child who was allergic to peanuts. we put peanut butter on one side and then got AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT KNIFE to put jelly on the other. that way, the jelly wasn't contaminated by the peanut butter, and drama king could still have the jelly.

more than you wanted to know? heh.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterthe planet of janet

@Burgh - of COURSE there will be cookies. And if you think those cookies were nummy, think of how good they will be when they haven't been frozen and thawed out whilst traveling for three days. When you taste them straight out of the oven? You will beg me to be your Baker-in-Residence!

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA

Love your colors & YOU ROCK at tiling! Put please please tell me you aren't going to tile your kitchen counters...please! When we moved in here they had tile counters (something I thought I always wanted)instead of fabulous, it's been nothing but a nightmare the entire time, just sayin'

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBirdie

Wow - that paint and tile is fantastic. I'm very impressed. I personally swore off all tile projects a few years back. I LOATHE them. Well - I swore off all re-grouting projects, anyway. They are the absolute worst of all the misery that is tile project.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrannyhead

I am of the pb and jelly on the same side unless they are mixed together. However, that PB on both sides idea is genius.

I'm actually more partial to PB & Honey than PB&J and both my boys are as well. That too requires a special talent and I make them better than the hubs.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterImpostorMom

That transformation is PHENOMENAL. Oh, and I love to grout, BTW.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFlea

Did I mention that I leave our spare key under our doormat? I'll expect our living room to look the same by the time we return from Canada on Sunday.

I'll pay you in properly-made PB&J sandwiches (since you've now taught me how to make them properly)

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCatwoman

Could you at least help me pick the colors for my apartment. What you did was really HOT!

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTim Morris

@Tim--Sure! I like spending other people's money. ;-)

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBurgh Baby

There are some very wrong people who read this blog. I don't know which way you make a sandwich, but the peanut butter and jelly should always be on the same piece of bread with a plain piece of bread placed on top.

Also, condiments only ever go on the bottom of a hamburger, in this order: ketchup, mustard, pickles. Amen.

Gorgeous fireplace, by the way. The colors really make it pop! (Did I just say pop like that? When did I start channeling a gay HGTV host?)

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJill

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