2022 Total: $6,218.40

Updated once daily




Introducing Mila

Mila Joliette (it's pronounced with a long "i" like m-eye-la)

Born May 29. 2014 at 11:32 am

9 lbs. 6 oz.

22 1/2 inches tall

Pure perfection


It's a Girl!



I Have Seen The Future

Alexis is constantly drawing and writing notes, so it's no surprise that I often find gems like this one.

Judging by this artistic rendition of the future, some things need to happen before this can all become reality.

1. I need to acquire some shorts. I can't remember the last time I wore a pair, but apparently that's the image Alexis has in her head.

2. The husband does not need to change a thing. Band t-shirt? Check. Shorts? Check. She's got it all perfect.

3. Alexis' hair needs to grow about a foot and she needs to acquire a VERY large bow. That sucker is bigger than any of her cheer bows, even, so she needs to go shopping.

4. The Tiny Human needs to show his or her face.

Or s/he can continue to take all the time in the world. It's cool either way.