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Puchero Estilo Murcia

There are two people in my twitter feed headed to Spain in the next few weeks, so now I have All Things Spain on the brain.

I need to go back.

Like WOAH.

Living there when I was 17 was fine and all, but I was really dumb then. I missed out on a lot because I just didn't know. For example, churros con chocolate. I should have eaten more of them ... or all of them. Yes, I should have eaten ALL of them.

The thing I did get right is that I returned home with a notebook full of recipes and notes about foods (Thanks for the help on that, Pepita!). I've slowly been digging through those recipes and notes and finding equivalents and all of that stuff.


Puchero Estilo Murcia.

I forgot all about it until a few weeks ago. I didn't have an actual recipe for it, just some notes about what was in it. A little experimenting here and there followed by some twisting from the original concept and I think I've got it. Or at least I've got something we really like. That counts, right? Right.


It most definitely wasn't served over couscous in Spain, but I'm on a couscous kick. So, too bad. It would also be good over a bed of white rice or even quinoa. Heck, it's good in a bowl with a nice crusty bread, which is how it was served when I had it in Spain.

Puchero Estilo Murcia

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup potatoes, diced
2 medium yellow onions, diced
1 14-oz can petite diced tomatoes
1 8-oz can tomato sauce
1 clove garlic
1 can garbanzo (or white navy) beans, drained and rinsed
1 handful chopped spinach
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon paprika
Salt and pepper to taste
Couscous, rice, quinoa, etc. if desired

1. In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat.

2. Toss in the potatoes, onions, and garlic. Stir and cook until the onions start to turn clear. It takes about 3-5 minutes.

3. Add in the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, garbanzo beans, and water. Allow to simmer over medium heat until the liquid thickens and the potatoes are soft. It takes about 12-15 minutes, more or less depending on the size of your potatoes.

4. Add in the spinach. Stir until it wilts completely.

5. Add the paprika, salt, and pepper.


Let's Go Bucs!




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