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Grilled Peanut Butter and Apple Sandwiches

I went digging through my archives because reasons and came across this little gem. I should probably crank up the grill and get busy like I did that summer. Good things happen when I grill a lot.


Summuh-summuh-summuh-time! That was the theme of our weekend as we spent every possible moment doing outdoor stuff like gardening and swimming and grilling.

HOOBOY, the grilling. There was all of the grilling.

Somewhere between the veggie dogs and corn on the cob, Alexis requested that we do the Grilled Asparagus and Fontina thing, which was a most excellent idea because yep.


Those sandwiches are so good.

I was a little low on cheese, though, so there was some improvising so that I could have enough sandwiches to go around.


The girls and I have been crushing grilled peanut butter sandwiches for the past several months. We have made them with jelly, honey, bananas, Nutella, and basically every single possibility you can imagine. It's our lazy Saturday lunch, but don't tell anyone it's lazy because they don't need to know.

We hadn't tried any of our concoctions on the actual grill, though. We'd been sticking to a skillet.



That magic on the right side there is apples. Granny Smith apples, to be exact. They're sliced thin and grilled before they're thrown on some grilled peanut butter bread.



You should try them.

Grilled Peanut Butter and Apple Sandwiches

1. Thick slice a good quality bread. I went with a french bread that had a soft crust, but you do what works for you.

2. Slather peanut butter on the insides of both pieces of bread and slather butter on the opposite sides of the bread. Except, slather the peanut butter a little more generously than the butter. Like, go crazy with peanut butter.

3. Thinly slice your Granny Smith apples and spray them lightly with a nonstick spray or coat them with butter or do something so they don't stick to your grill. I went with melted butter because there's never enough butter.

4. Put the bread butter-side down on the grill and heat until you have most excellent little brown lines.

5. Grill the apples, too. Flip them when they start to lightly brown on the first side.

6. Assemble! You should end up with:

- Grilled butter side of the bread
- Bread
- Peanut butter
- Apple slices
- Peanut butter
- Bread
- Grilled butter side of the bread

Also, happiness. You should end up with happiness.


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