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Mean People Suck

I expected it to happen, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly or with so much viciousness.

"Your glasses are ugly."

"You look terrible."

"Those glasses are tragic."

At school, on the bus, even at dance class, Alexis has been ridiculed over the past few days.


The good news is that she is still ecstatic to have the glasses. She loves everything about them. The bad news is that I can't escort her everywhere all through life so I can take care of the mocking myself. Kindergarteners shouldn't be saying these sorts of things and I'd be more than happy to make that crystal clear for them.

Alexis and I chatted for a bit about how sometimes kids are mean. They just are. We discussed jealousy and how sometimes kids don't pick the right words and most of all, we talked about what she thinks. She thinks her glasses are just like mine (which they are--it wasn't hard at all to figure out why she walked past the pink ones and selected the brown ones instead). If my glasses are "pretty" (her word), then hers must be, too.

But ... oof.

This growing up thing is hard.


(If you have any suggestions for comebacks Alexis could use, I'd appreciate them. So far she's rocking "Thank you" as her standard reply to mean comments.)

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Reader Comments (51)

Wow, someone said they were "tragic"? That is scary. I actually feel kind of sick to my stomach when I think about sending my little boy off to school. I know things like this happen, and the urge to just fix it must be absolutely overwhelming.

She looks SO cute in the glasses, too.

April 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDear Crissy
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