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As Luck Would Have It

"Aay! Aay! Aay!" Mila said as we bounced down the stairs. She likes to hear her voice go up and down so she adds some pep to our descent.

Alexis likes to hear Mila's voice go up an down as well, so a smile broke out across her face as we approached. Then, suddenly, the smile melted away.

"What is she wearing?" Alexis asked in a very serious voice.

"A shirt," I replied. It was clear Alexis knew exactly which shirt.

"But that's my shirt," she said coldly. It was actually her FAVORITE shirt, but she forgot to mention that part.

"Is it?" I replied. "Oh, I thought it would be cute on Mila."

"It's not cute," Alexis said. "I mean, she's cute, but that's my shirt."

"I thought you two could start sharing clothes. That way we won't have to spend as much money. Look, it fits her like a dress," I explained.

Alexis wasn't catching on to what was happening. Which, to be fair, she should have. She had already navigated her way through miles of yarn strewn across her bedroom and poured the blue milk over her cereal. Too many things were odd. She should have added them all up.

But she didn't.

So I let the shenanigans go on for another few minutes before finally saying, "Happy April Fools' Day."

"Oh, man! I forgot!" Alexis replied as she busted out laughing.

And that little scene is the exact reason Alexis didn't fall for the prank her teacher pulled in class. So not only was taking back April Fools' Day a good thing for me, it was a very good thing for the 9 year-old who was able to sit back and smile while her classmates panicked.

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