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Built for Barbies and Dollhouses and Princesses

I try to be the fun one. I can't really compete with He Who Can Make Disney Movies Magically Appear, but still, I try. So, on the way to dance class when I realized we had an extra 20 minutes or so, I offered Alexis a little treat. A walk! In the woods! By a lake!

Alexis was very excited at the prospect. Really. She practically bounced out of the car as I pulled into a parking spot and then went bounding down the path. With her little sundress swishing in the breeze and her flip-flops making little click-click noises as she walked, she looked for adventure amongst all of the nature.

And then a little nature found its way into her shoe.

She was not pleased.

I helped her clear the tiny bit of mulch out of her shoe and then we continued some more. Just as Alexis regained the spring in her step, she spotted a bug. She shrieked, much as you would expect of a ridiculously girlie girl who has spent time around people at daycare who freak out about anything with more than four legs. It took a few moments to calm her back down, but then we continued along the path.

Until more mulch attacked her foot.

Again and again, over and over, every time so much as a speck of mulch wound up touching her flip-flop wearing foot, Alexis HAD to stop and get rid of it. Finally, she sat on a big bench and sighed loudly. "Momma," she said, "I'm just not good at this forest thing."

She speaks the truth. Guess I'll have to knock "Walks in the forest" off the list if I want to try to find my way to The Fun Parent status.

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Reader Comments (12)

Say it with me...s-n-e-a-k-e-r-s! She's too cute in the outdoors to NOT take her on nature walks! I learned the hard way - no sandals at the playground with mulch. I spent our entire time there one sunny, summer day doing the exact same thing!

And it's OK to be a girlie girl. Some day, when her son forgets his show-and-tell, he can share all about how his mommy freaked the frick out when there was a garter snake the size of an earthworm on the driveway. {SIGH} Not that I would know from experience, of course:)

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Mommy

@The Mommy-Ha! I know! I must have said, "I told you so" about 2346234 times while we were walking because I told her to put on her tennis shoes and she was all, "I wanna wear fip-fops." Silly girl will wear the worst shoes for any occasion because she ranks cute over functional.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBurgh Baby

Seriously....we HAVE to get Alexis and Morgan together at some point in their little lives. SO MUCH ALIKE! Morgan is getting better with things like dirt. Bugs, though? Yeah...not so much. She has a brand new playhouse in the backyard. Complete with her favorite accessories (doorbell, kitchen sink and phone). After damn near losing her mind when a bug of some sort dared enter said house, she has yet to go back IN the house. Even though it's been fumigated (Daddy) and everything washed down (Mommy). Lovely. Nothing like having a $300 lawn ornament.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKellie

Bahaha. Alexis = me when I was little.

Things like this make me realize exactly how UN cut out for being a boy mom I am. I fear the day I'm doing laundry and find a creepy crawly in his pocket. :shudder:

Love that she loves flip flops!

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertrinity

I can't stop giggling at her comments.

Maddie is the same way with stuff in her shoes - last summer she had little sandal/shoe hybrids from Stride Rite and LO the suffering when anything would sneak in the holes!

On the flip side, she's fascinated by bugs. So much so that it grosses ME out!

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

Guess you need a boy child!

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMia

Charlotte would live in the dirt if she could. But do NOT under any circumstances ruin her shoes.

Send her to The Farm with me next time I'm home. I'll make her a barefoot kinda girl.

That said, I tried to go geocaching in a very unpractical outfit a few weeks back so I feel her pain, I do.

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFireMom

That's better than girls who are afraid of nothing and you have to explain over and over why they can't pick up snakes if they find one or run shoe-less through ant hills. The only common sense they have is to stay away from bees (although I could do without the ear-piercing sreams and panic). There is no middle ground with my children. Perhaps Alexis could lend them some cool logic?

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA

Could you send her out this way to teach Maren to stop digging in my flowerbeds for worms?

April 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNicole

She is cuteness personified! What you need to do is buy that girl some cute pink boots. She'll most likely be pleased and the wardrobe addition, but also be more equipped for these nature walks. It'll be a win-win. ;-)

I'm not good at the forest thing either. The idea of it is a lot more fun than the reality of it somehow.
...wonderful picture. It says a thousand words : )

April 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBirdie
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