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Day Eighty-Seven

So, this happened.


It's not actually done DONE just yet, but it's pretty close. There's a piece missing from the top of the roof because I can't find said piece anywhere. There's also a whole bunch of landscaping to do because I am me and I have to landscape around these sorts of things. The landscaping part of the festivities will likely be done in the next few weeks, except that I have created a rule that says I have to fix the pond first.

The pond has been torn up for a year. A YEAR. I can't run the big waterfall without flooding the entire yard, so that truly is a thing I should deal with. AND YET. And yet I managed to find time to build a whole damn playhouse, but can't find the time to seal a pond liner correctly. Funny thing, that.


Mila couldn't have a birthday party this year, so I poured that cost and effort into a playhouse instead. And it was worth it. Mila and Alexis both have been living out there. When they stop, I'm moving out there. Our wifi reaches to it, so I have full intentions of sitting through a few conference calls while sitting out there sipping an ice tea or something.

First, though, I have to find furniture. It turns out that everybody already threw away their old patio furniture because I've been watching curbs all over the place so I could rescue a couple of chairs from the landfill, but I've had no luck. I'm willing to do some painting and dying and all of that, so you'd think I would be able to score something. Hopefully this weekend I get lucky. If I don't, there is leftover wood sitting in our driveway, so I may do something wild and crazy.


No, seriously, beware. I have been using power tools a lot lately, and that's a very scary thought. I probably shouldn't be trusted around a miter saw or a screwdriver, and yet I have a weird amount of confidence that I could build a suitable couch for the girls using wood scraps and cushions.

I just looked up plans for how to do it. TOTALLY DOING IT.

The koi fish are going to be so pissed when I don't fix the pond for yet another year.

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