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Entertainment Value

There is nothing in this world quite as entertaining as a neighborhood Facebook group. Or is that just mine? Because mine is definitely popcorn-worthy nearly every time someone posts, and that's coming from someone who deleted Facebook everywhere and only goes to it occasionally for the neighborhood Facebook page.

It's so good.

A constant theme is the fact that nobody reads what other people write. As in, someone will post that they found a dog wandering the neighborhood. Then, half an hour later, someone will post asking if anyone has seen a dog. Comments will go back and forth between both posts and it usually takes an hour before everywhere catches up and realizes the whole thing is resolved.

I don't know why I find it so funny when the lost/found dog thing happens, but I do.

It might be because I'm a terrible person.

There was a point when someone took to the page to rail against a bad driver in the neighborhood who ran over her cat and took off without stopping. Her black cat. That was crossing the street after midnight. I know those details because someone posted video of the cat getting hit, which is AWFUL. TRULY. But, still, I am a terrible human who was all, "Maybe don't let your black cat out at night if you don't want it hit by a car? Or maybe don't ever let your cat out because THERE ARE COYOTES WALKING THROUGH OUR NEIGHBORHOOD ALL OF THE TIME. LETTING YOUR CAT ROAM FREE IS DUMB."

I told you I'm terrible.

The latest drama has to do with the garbage pickup. One company used to be in charge of it, but it changed January 1st, and legit the new company is SO bad. They speed through the neighborhood, skip entire streets, and are so sloppy. There is literally trash strewn all over the place the day after pickup. It's been bad since day one and just keeps getting worse. This week they stopped picking up in the middle of a street and just left. Like, the workers decided they were just done and took their ball and went home.

BOY HOWDY are the comments about it great. The garbage picker uppers have been called lazy, uncaring, all sorts of names. My favorite, though, is that someone called them liberal. As in, "They should only hire republicans because damn liberal trash does stuff like this."

I couldn't breath for a minute after reading it. A real person typed those words, with their name attached to the comment, and thought it would be an excellent post to share with their neighbors.

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