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We're, what, three weeks into summer? Something like that? Regardless, Mila has been in the "big kids" room at daycare/preschool for a while now. For the most part, she's enjoying it muchly, even though she's the youngest of the crew. She gets to play outside a lot more which basically means it's the best.

Except that they don't nap.

She is STILL riding the struggle bus around because of the nap thing. STILL. She has yet to make it all the way home from school without falling asleep. By the way, it's less than a 10-minute drive. We're not talking about a super long commute where it makes sense to take a nap. It's almost walkable and yet she can't keep her eyes propped open. I have tried giving her snacks, singing at the top of my lungs, holding a very in-depth conversation about LOL Surprise Dolls ... nothing works. The kid falls asleep and then is a hot mess the rest of the night.

It's pretty awful.

BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE. Mila doesn't nap on the weekends. She runs just as hard, gets up just as early, and stays up even later and yet. She's fine without a nap two days per week. She's a complete mess the other five days per week.

I don't understand.

I have a plan, though. I play to give the kid a cup of coffee. Surely caffeinating her will fix everything!

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