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How to Win at Simon Says

Mila is trying REALLY hard to be one of those kids who sleeps in her own bed. It has been two years since she was good at that, so it's pretty impressive that she suddenly decided it was going to be her new thing. The only downside is that it turns out she doesn't actually sleep through the night. I guess she only does that if I'm next to her? When I'm not, she starts screaming at the top of her lungs for me right around 1:00 am every night.

So that's been fun.

I have confidence that she will find her way to the other side. The kid loves sleep too much to keep ruining it. In the meantime, I'm just really tired. And my ears hurt.

Part of the pattern we're creating so that bedtime is easy is to play Simon Says for a few minutes each night. I started it because I wanted to be able to end it with, "Simon says go to sleep!" because Mila is the kind of kid who will follow directions. It's magical.

For reasons I don't know, Alexis decided to join in on the Simon Says chaos. I'm guessing it's because she can't handle it when Mila and I have fun without her. Regardless, Alexis doesn't follow instructions like "Go to sleep" but she can still join in because I'm nice or something.

Or, because it's HILARIOUS.

We go on for a while with the usual, "Simon says jump on one foot" and that sort of thing. Then one day it occurred to me to say, "Simon says pretend to be your sister!"

You guys.


Both Mila and Alexis can do the most amazing impersonations of their sister. And it's HILARIOUS. Mila wins, though, because without thinking about it, she instantly slaps on a "I'm so bored of you dumb people" face and rolls her eyes. JUST LIKE ALEXIS.

It looks a whole lot like this.


So perfect. So very perfect.

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Reader Comments (1)

Even though it doesn't seem like it, younger siblings can be excellent observers.

I remember one time with my cousins (in Pittsburgh). Older sister was a late-ish teenager, younger one in elementary school. Younger one, from what I could see, spent most of her time peeking out from behind her mom's legs. The first time I heard her speak for more than a word or two, was a drop-dead perfect imitation of her older sister. She had everything, the stance, the mannerisms, the "like-speak."

I almost peed myself laughing.

June 20, 2019 | Unregistered Commenterbluzdude
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