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It's Good To Be Loved

Forever ago, way back when Alexis was barely able to sit up by herself, we started to teach her sign language. By the time she was 14 months, well, she could do this:

(HOLY CRAP was that kid an early talker. I didn't realize it at the time, but HOLY CRAP.)

She peaked at around 500 signs. Which, yeah. She kicked some sign language ass.

Her signing vocabulary is dwindling these days. Quickly. She still knows the alphabet and a few signs here and there, but she's no longer putting together sentences or songs or having conversations with me across a crowded room using signs.

But there is one sign that she uses every single day. It takes her a minute to get her fingers placed just right, but every morning she runs across the room at preschool to the glass door that looks out on the parking lot. Every morning she runs to that door, looks out until she sees me as I go to drive away, and she fumbles with her fingers until she gets it right. She flashes her sign.

It's the only sign she needs.

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Reader Comments (17)

Absolutely. Best sign.

Abby fumbles a bit trying to get that sign out, too, but it is wonderful when she does.

When you were teaching her signs in the beginning, did you use any specific "Teach your kid sign language" aids, or did you just teach it yourself, using anything (everything) in the world around you as an aid? (Such as the pictures in the books, food on the table, etc.)

Also: Did you know sign language before Alexis, or did you learn it along with her? How about Mr. H?

Sorry for the interrogation; I'm just curious.

@Dave--We used the Signing Time series of DVDs. She would watch them when we went on long trips and on Saturday mornings when I was desperate for just a few more minutes of sleep. We learned the signs right along with her, but then also worked on them when the TV wasn't on. For example, whenever I read the book she has in the video, I always did all of the animal signs.

This is the ONLY sign my kids know (just the oldest 3) and I'm planning on flashing it at them when they watch me cross the finish line on Sunday...because they make me want to make myself better, stronger, healthier.

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Mommy

I get that one everyday as I head to the car after dropping her off at "school" - best sign ever! What an awesome way to start the day!

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

And I was impressed that my kids knows "more, eat, milk, up and hurt" Alexis was amazing! I'm going to check out that SIgning Times series right now...

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobyn

@Robyn--Signing Time = Best. Idea. Ever. I think the videos are cheapest on Amazon.

Ooh my, this melted my heart!!!! I want a baby girl like her! sniff sniff

To bad I'm 40 with a kid in college so that dream is NOT gonna happen. Maybe I will have a grand daughter several years from now I can spoil rotten!!!

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJackie

OMGoodness, that video!!!! So sweet and such a smartie too! :-)

Happy Mother's Day to you and your sweet little "signer"!

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElaine

When my oldest niece, Caitlin was wee, my sister used basic signs to teach her to communicate and theoretically (probably correctly) to stimulate speech earlier.

One day when I was home visiting at Christmas, Caitlin was 13 months old, we were all sitting around my mother's livingroom talking and not paying terribly close attention to Caitlin who was sitting on my sister's lap and facing my sister. I glanced at her and noticed that she was making the sign for "more".

I got her attention and I asked, "Caitlin? What do you want more of?" She DOVE at my sister's breasts! Apparently she was hungry and nobody was paying attention to her. We all rolled and I'll probably never forget that story!

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKevin

So cute!!! Question: was there any particular reason to teach Alexis sign language? Is there anyone who is hearing impaired in your family or was it to help spur her verbal development? Just curious! :)

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterelysianfantasy

@elysianfantasy--It actually came about because one time (years before Alexis) I had seen a dad and his baby talking via sign and was fascinated with how such a tiny human was able to communicate so well. It stuck in my head, so I did a bunch of research right after Alexis was born and it seemed like a no-brainer. I'd be willing to say that all of the claims that pro-baby signing people make about fewer temper tantrums, earlier communication, and better vocabulary later are all true.

Awwwww! My girls (and many of their friends) run up to the window in the morning room at daycare and make silly faces at me for a few minutes. Every. Single. Morning. Many parents laugh at me like they've "caught" me if they walk by. But I tell you what - it's the best part of my day and I'd still stop and do it even if the President himself was waiting on me.

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA

I dabbled in baby sign language with my son starting when he was about four months old but it never stuck ... It certainly didn't help that I was the only one doing it!

Now (at nineteen months) he still hasn't uttered his first word and I am wishing we had a better way of communicating with each other. He's good at getting what he wants through pointing or bringing me objects (like his cup when he wants more to drink, for example), but it's just not the same. I keep telling everyone that he's waiting for Mother's Day to say "mama." A girl can dream ...

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

@Emily--It might stick now. It certainly couldn't hurt to try a few signs and see what happens...

My kids were taught a few signs at daycare that really, REALLY, helped us out at home. I think it helped cut down on some of their frustrations as they were trying to communicate. We still do the I Love You sign every day, including getting extra kisses on their hands so that they can keep Mama's kisses in their pocket all day long in case they need them when while they are at school.
Today was a hard day at work for me, and it's just nice to come home to hugs and kisses and I love you signs.

May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDi

This post couldn't have come at a better time. I'm switching my 19 month old's daycare (he currently does some signing) to one where there is no signing. On your advice I ordered and already received the DVD, we watched about 20 minutes this morning. He started demonstrating 3 of the signs, correctly, right away! This will be great. Before I had kids I worried that if they signed, they would have no reason to talk. Now that I have one chatterbox and another up-and-coming talker, I know it's much more important to have SOME way to communicate to avoid some frustration and unnecessary tantrums.

Thanks for the tip!

May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobyn
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