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Let's Move On, Please

It took me about a month to start looking forward to the end of the school year. Now that we're a few months into the school year, I am SUPER ready to move on. Nothing is TERRIBLE, per se, but I am SUPER LOOKING FORWARD TO A NEW TEACHER OMG.

Mila's kindergarten teacher is ... not on the same page as I am. She's easily 30 years older than me, so it's not entirely a surprise. She's also from a different universe, one where it's impossible to see eye-to-eye at all times. It is what it is and there's no point in me fighting it.


As I mentioned, last week Mila had her little Christmas Show. It was at 2:00 in the afternoon, because of course it was. Why wouldn't we set up an important thing in the middle of the work day? It's fine, though, because I'm incredibly fortunate that my office is less than 15 minutes from Mila's school. I literally blocked one hour on my calendar so that I could attend the Christmas Show. One hour is doable.

It should have been enough. 15 minutes there. 15 minutes back. That leaves 30 minutes for a 10-minute show. PLENTY OF TIME.

As the show concluded, the kids summoned us to their desks. They had put crayon to paper and created a special little picture for their adults. As I sat crouched by Mila's desk listening to her explain what she had drawn, her teacher's voice cut through the ruckus.

"Moms and dads, I meant to email you about this yesterday but didn't get a chance. Girls and boys, if you'd like to go home with your moms and dads now, you can."

Seriously. She did. She told a room full of 5 and 6-year olds that they could leave school early without giving the parents a way out. It was in that instant that I knew EXACTLY which parents work full-time and had just watched as their afternoon exploded. They were the parents who had the same look on their faces as I did. Pure dismay and frustration.

The good news is that I was able to find a friend for Mila to go hang out with after about an hour of trying. The bad news is that I'm taking the whole thing personally. Very personally. And "if you'd like to go home with your moms and dads now, you can" are MOST DEFINITELY FIGHTING WORDS.



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