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Mila's Rose Photo Shoot, Volume Two

I have this thing I do at the girls' half birthdays where I demand a real photo of them. By "real" I mean there is actual effort put into what they will wear, I set up my portrait studio, and I block a few hours of time for the sole purpose of getting a good photo.

Mileage varies on that "good" part. Sometimes I do well. Other times, WELP.

Guess how Mila's 18 month photos went.


There was a part of me that was really super frustrated that Mila refused to stand in one general place and look at me. There was also a part of me that appreciated that she figured out how to use the backdrop as a slide and that she pretended that candy was going to work as a form of bribery but then was all "HAHAHAHAAAA NOPE!" There was also a part of me that remembered how Alexis' 18 month photos went.

I paid someone to take those photos. I was fully focused on getting her to look at the camera and stand sort of nicely. And yet! And yet THAT was the only usable photo that came of over an hour of effort. Alexis was busy running laps around the backdrop and never for a second cooperated with the photographer.

Mila can say she sort of cooperated. Not really, but sort of.


Just looking at that photo exhausts me. I mean, goodness. 18 month old girls are terror on legs.

Given that so far we're two-for-two with the girls getting kind of the same results on their half year photos, just you wait for Mila's next one. It's going to be good. Maybe not as good as her first one, but still good.

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