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Monday Can Suck It

Lately Monday has been rearing her ugly head and smacking me around. Bad. That's the only explanation I have for how it came to be that two Mondays in a row, every set of keys we own ended up in Mr. Husband's car. I stood in the kitchen when I should have been starting the car, fully realizing that it would take him two hours to get a car key to me, as a short person stood staring at me all sorts of confused. With the knowledge that it wasn't worth him taking the time to bail me out, I decided to work from home.

With the Demon Child there.

While Alexis is generally a good kid, she spent the weekend in quite the funk. Her mouth often writes checks her butt can't cash, and she frequently finds herself on the receiving end of my fury because of it. This weekend she was especially bad. So bad that not only did I revoke all of her television privileges for the rest of her life, but I also went for the jugular. I don't even remember what exactly she said on Saturday afternoon that sent me straight over the edge, I just know that she wasn't even slightly shocked when I silently walked over to her beloved dollhouse and moved it to the top of the fridge, far out of her reach.

Taking away her dollhouse is like taking away her oxygen. It took me a long time to figure out that was the only thing that would really make her feel pain, so I save it for the worst of her offenses. It works. Well.

On Sunday I still hadn't forgotten that I was disappointed in her behavior, so she didn't get her dollhouse back. Tears were shed, promises were made, and I told her she had to be good the rest of the day and I would think about letting her have it back.

And then Monday morning rolled around and the Demon Child needed entertainment while I churned out some serious work. With a shower of threats and guarantees that one false move would land her dollhouse back in jail, I gave it to her.

She nearly passed out from The Happy.

And then the Demon Child proceeded to have her best behavior day I can recall. EVER. She quietly played with her dollhouse for hours. She cheerfully splashed in her pool for several more hours. She silently sat at her craft table and colored picture after picture after picture. Never once did I have to tell her to alter her behavior, not even to tell her to leave the cat alone, which I could have sworn was a phrase that automatically falls out of my mouth every quarter hour. I mean, I thought I had set a timer, but then there she was, acting like an absolute angel and I didn't sound like a tape recorder AT ALL.

She used her manners. She was pleasant. She was my bestest bud ever.

I spent the evening showering her with praise because ZOMG! I want to keep that version of Alexis forever and ever and ever! AND EVER!

Monday may try to beat me down, but a well-behaved short person can make the day better than perfect.


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Reader Comments (16)

I dream about an object of affection I could take away from my middle child for demon behavior. But alas, she figured out my scam before I had the chance to use it on her. Darn older sisters.
My go to behavior modifier is competition. Bring on the "manners contest," "quite contest," and "who can pick up the most toys the fastest."

June 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCrystal D

@Crystal D--It's crazy how different kids respond to different things. Games like that? Alexis laughs in my face if I try them. "Who can clean up the most toys" results in standing on one side of the room, laughing at me as I easily win. I'm sure she knows EXACTLY what she's doing.

June 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterburghbaby

I think I just wrote this same post, except my ending wasn't as happy, What have our girls gotten into this week? Is it a full moon?

June 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndreAnna

My 7 year old's most prized possession is her Bitty Baby, and the doll often "takes trips" to the top of the fridge or on my closet shelf when she misbehaves. After the initial fit she throws when I take it away, she will act like a complete angel in hopes of getting it back and not having it taken away again. Haven't found the exact item that works with my 9 year old. Taking away TV usually works, but not the same way taking away a doll or dollhouse does. I usually just to have to send her off to her room in hopes she comes out happier than when she went in.

June 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMomexperience

I love it. I hope all your days are like this one.

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterElena


June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKelley

@momexperience--Crazy, isn't it? I could threaten to take away every single other toy in the house and Alexis would laugh in my face. That dollhouse, though. HOOBOY.

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle (burghbaby)

My go-to thing to take away for major offenses is "Puppy". Isn't it crazy how they'll go from bad to angel so quickly? I guess we have our mood swings too.

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen

So far this week, Monday AND Tuesday can suck it. Some alien (a mean one at that) has come and snatched my daughter and replaced her with a she-beast. I swear if she were any older I'd think it was PMS. Think Alexis could come over and give Punkin some pointers on good behavior?

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMadame Queen

I wish Sabrina had a toy she loved that much (although the pool might qualify this summer). I currently have her bed. Yes, you heard me right. Her beloved Dora bed is up against the wall in the office. She is sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Hoping to give her bed back today because it is honestly in my way.

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Smiles

Congrat on sticking to your guns mom! Don't you love it when something you do to make them behave actually works! So happy to hear she and in turn you had such a good day. :-) Keep up the good work!! And pray that she loves that doll house until she moves out of the house.... but then there is always the phone and the car... the computer ect as they get older. It's amazing how those work as well. :-)

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJackie

Dude. I need to round me up a dollhouse. These demon childrens are wearing on my last nerve. I don;'t even like them sometimes, and while I love them, I am often left contemplating whether posting them on Craig's List would land me in jail. Which I am certain it would or I would have already done it.

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmber

We put Maggie's confiscated toys on top of the fridge too! ha

It's an amazing feeling of power when you realize you can (kinda) control your kid's behavior just by taking away the stuff they love. Just goes to show that they are SMART ENOUGH to behave in the first freaking place. Little turds ;)

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen

That pic is Alexis bowing down (in our place) to your superior mommy-skills. I love days that work out like that...even though I secretly think it's The Universe just messing with my head, letting me think everything is on track again....

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA

The top of the fridge is, apparently, THE hot spot for toys to go. My MIL asked why I didn't just put them in the closet and I said "because....out of sight, out of mind. I want her to SEE her beloved whatever up there and know it's there BECAUSE of her behavior." Works everytime.

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKellie

WOW - I wish my boys had a dollhouse!!!! :D

June 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBrooke G
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