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Playing to Their Strengths

She doesn't have the experience to know that nothing good comes of being awake at 6:00 am, so Alexis can nearly always be found prowling around the kitchen. Dishes clank, the microwave door slams, and little feet patter as she flips on the TV and sits down for her first breakfast of the day.

Nothing good comes of being awake at 6:00 am, so I pretend I'm not. Enveloped in the warmth of a down blanket, the darkness swallows any notion of motivation.

And then there's the other one.

The other one is continuing to flop and flip and flop some more on the issue of sleep. She's a great sleeper! Sometimes. The times when she's not a great sleeper, she's a dedicated little koala who really just needs to be near by. She's the little spoon to my big spoon, nuzzling her way into the just right spot.

Which, if you ever need to be totally and completely demotivated, there it is. The gentle sounds of a sleeping baby can suck all of the want and will out of you faster than any other thing on earth. Why would anyone in their right mind do anything other than quietly listen to those sounds? Add in the warm blankets and you have every bit of reason you need to always be late getting out of bed.


If Mila failed to sleep through the night, I failed to get out of bed in a timely manner. It's just fact.

All of that has me thinking about how I can harness the Tiny Human's powers for good. I've already got Alexis using her super fantastic waking skills to get her sister up in the morning, but can I do the reverse? If I put Mila in bed with Alexis on the weekends, will Alexis sleep past 6:00? Or at least stay in bed past 6:00? Because that's sounding like a pretty fantastic idea.


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