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PodCamp and Pumpkins, Oh My!

I started thinking about dragging out the first of the Halloween decorations this morning.


SHOOSH. For as long as it takes me to get from "thinking about" to "doing," I probably should have started thinking about it in July if I actually want the stuff set up by the end of October.

Which means I should probably start working on my PodCamp presentations. Because, hey! If the pumpkins are started to lurk, it must be time for Pittsburgh PodCamp!

Here's the long of the short (just in case I haven't already started harassing you personally to attend). PodCamp Pittsburgh is essentially a gathering of people who are involved with and/or interested in social media. That includes bloggers, podcasters, people who use Twitter, people who active on Facebook, and people who want to be or do any of those things.

It's a chance to learn, a chance to interact, and a chance to have a really great time.

If you own a business, you'll have a chance to learn how to use social media to be more effective. If you work with a non-profit, you'll have a chance to learn how to use social media to be more effective. If you just like playing around online, you'll have a chance to learn how to use social media to be more effective.

So you should attend. So you can be more effective. Heh. (And so you can have a really good time. I've never heard a single person say PodCamp was anything other than a great time.)

I'll be there on Saturday, September 17th presenting twice. First I'll be co-presenting with Firemom with Blogging 201: Keeping Your Blog Going. Later I'll go over Stumbleupon: Discovering and Promoting the Best of the Web. It's all free, so I hope to see you there!

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Reader Comments (13)

:( Wish I could go. If only to say "hi!" and talk about home improvement in person!

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCaroline

@Caroline--You need to move back to Pittsburgh. Because I said so. And it's ALL ABOUT ME. ;-)

September 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle (~~burghbaby~~)

I'd be there in a heartbeat if it weren't for the whole "it's in Pittsburgh" thing. Because that is a VERY long way from me here in Podunk, Washington ;)

(Also! (and unrelated) I must say I'm a *little* creeped out by the "Barbie Princess Charm School" ads that have started appearing since you blogged about Barbie earlier this week. I didn't even KNOW that Princesses needed Charm school. Let alone princesses with plastic arms and legs ;))

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKassandra

I haven't started mine either. If I throw up in front of everyone, hopefully it will miss the front row.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea

You talked me into going last year. Not only am I going back this year, I'm part of the panel on online bullying and harassment.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa J.


September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFireMom

I so wish I could go again this year because I had the time of my life, last year. (Once I found you all at Bar Louie, that is.) But alas, I haven't saved up enough credit card points since last year.

I'm targeting Podcamp 7.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbluzdude

I registered for PodCamp this year after trying to get there for the last two years and failing.

Now I'm having anxiety about going. WHY GOD WHY?!

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermattieflap

@mattieflap--PFFT. You already know everybody is nice!

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle (~~burghbaby~~)

Are free tickets really sold out??

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLindsey

Huh. My last comment didn't post. Anyway, I basically said: What Andrea said. I'm not wearing new shoes.

September 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterred pen mama

Wish I could be there for your talks! A certain baby's birthday party is that day ;) Hope it all goes well!

September 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Making a mental note to never make that face EVER AGAIN.

September 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMermanda
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