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Projectcascade-itis Strikes Again

I have a very severe case of Projectcascade-itis. I start out trying to do one thing and six months later find myself with about ten related projects all still in progress. It's like a domino effect that just keeps going and going and going, but I never manage to circle back to the start.

Exhibit A: Our guest bedroom. In January, I made up my mind to finally make it look like an actual room. All it needed was a little paint . . .

Hahahahahahahaha! It's not done yet.

Let's take a walk through the mind of a mad woman for a moment and explore just how derailed that project has become. I painted the room in two nights. It turned out fantastic, even. That left me to just put the room back together, but when I went to move furniture into place, I was all, "Man, we really need a dresser in here."

So I went shopping for a dresser.

And couldn't find one I thought was reasonably priced.

I couldn't hang any art on the walls or even figure out where to place the bed until I had a dresser, so I figured I'd give it a little bit and just leave everything piled in the middle of the room where I had put it while I painted. It's still all there, including the dirty paper towels from wiping up a paint drip. Seven months later.


Blah, blah, blah, some months passed and I was still looking for a dresser, but was absolutely dead set against spending a lot of money for a dresser for a guest bedroom that rarely gets used. But then I had a brilliant idea--I would buy a new dresser for Alexis and move hers into that room. It was a perfect idea because her dresser is a little too small for all of her stuff and it was a scratch and dent purchase with a slightly dangerous twist--the top isn't actually attached to the dresser. One of these days she's going to figure out that if she pulls on the fake marble top, it will move. Given that we're talking about my kid, that discovery will end with a broken foot and a phobia of furniture.

I was willing to pay a bit more for a decent dresser for the kid, so I reset my search. I went to every store that sells furniture in this galaxy AND the next, and found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Everything was either too expensive or she didn't like it or it wasn't something that would fit in with the other furniture in her room.

So, I gave up. I just left the guest bedroom a disaster zone and started working on the dining room paint project from hell (which, surprise! is also not done). That particular project led to me needing some old windows (if you're confused as to how painting a dining room requires old windows, so am I, but it does). We ran to Construction Junction for the windows.

And found this:

Isn't it delightfully hideous! It was actually in a couple of pieces when we bought it. That photo was taken after Mr. Husband reattached a drawer front and fixed the slider thingys (technical term) and made a couple of other minor repairs.

But, it didn't matter that it was a hideous dresser in horrible condition because of this:

KABOOM! $8 for a dresser!

So. I sat there with a guest bedroom that needed a dresser and a hideous $8 dresser that doesn't at all match anything. And was hideous. Did I mention that it was hideous? It was hideous. I did the only thing that made sense and told Alexis that it was her new dresser and asked her how she wanted me to paint it.

I was hoping she'd say something like, "Can you paint it white?"


It was white for a while because Mr. Husband couldn't handle how long it was taking me to finish it:

A wise person would have just shoved it in the guest room at that point, but I'm not wise. Instead, I followed Alexis' instructions and made it The Dresser Of Her Dreams.

And this is where I have to be a pain in the butt and make you click over to the Review page to see what happened next. Here's a hint:

Go see the rest and enter to win some Olympic ONE paint right over here.

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Reader Comments (3)

That is nothing short of amazing! Alexis is soooo lucky. A disco ball AND a glittery dresser? I would've wanted to be your kid!

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobyn

Wow!! I actually said that out loud, at work. So, yeah. Wow! That is THE most coolest dresser ever.

August 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRoxane

AH! So cute! So glittery! You are one of the craftiest mommas that I know. And I'm thinking about painting my old French Provincial furniture that was in my bedroom as a kid--that paint is lookin' mighty fine. Especially the color!

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMermanda
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