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She Doesn't Get It From Me.

If you were to ask Alexis to pick her favorite part of this past weekend, she would roll her eyes at your stupidity and then yell, "THE PICNIC!" You should have known that without even having to think about it. Obviously.

Once upon a time, I would have dreaded the annual Preschool Picnic, but this year was completely different. I was looking forward to it just as much as Alexis for a couple of reasons. For one, it turns out that my kid has really good taste in friends. She seems to prefer to hang out with kids who I genuinely like and who belong to parents I could absolutely hang out with on a daily basis. Which, YAY! The other reason I was looking forward to it was that I had a secret.

Alexis' bestest friend in the whole wide world was going to be there--the bestest friend she has known since she was 6-months old, but who she hasn't seen all summer.

It was a secret because I have zero faith in any kids' ability to wake up on a Saturday morning in perfect health. I really didn't want Alexis to wind up disappointed. She hadn't seen her best friend for so long because the little girl switched to a new preschool all the way across town. You would think that a 4-year old would be quick to move on after a friendship turns long distance, but you would be wrong. Both girls have talked about each other repeatedly over the months. I now feel like a jerk for not doing more to try to get them together sooner because they didn't miss a beat once reunited. It seems odd to think that a real friendship can be formed by humans not even old enough to read the words, "Best friend," but they most certainly are.

In between trying to convince Alexis' BFF's dad that they should move to our neighborhood and watching our kids have the time of their lives, I learned a few things about Alexis. It's always funny to find out about the "secret lives" of kids. I mean, I know she has relationships with people when she's not with me, complete with conversations and such, but it's still weird to hear about it. Very weird.

I learned about the other side of the love triangle that Alexis has reported to me. I now know that she was once dumped by the "boyfriend" because of a rock, but that she stole him back while sitting in the tire swing.

I learned that she will tell anyone who will listen how unfair it is that we got rid of the Audi. She doesn't like the new car and she wants "Audi Audi" back, thank you very much.

I learned that Alexis says really very nice things about me when I can't hear her. Perhaps those reports were part of a vast conspiracy involving preschooler bribery and back-room deals, but if so, it worked. I pretty much plan to spoil the kid rotten every day for the next few years.

And I learned that the kid knows how to play Uno. This was perhaps the most amazing of the revelations. As dumb as that is, I was pretty excited. I've about had it with getting my butt kicked at Memory. Chutes and Ladders is only fun for about 2.5 seconds. I was so excited to learn that the kid knew how to play a new game that we stopped on the way home to buy the deck of cards.

And THAT is how I learned that the kid is ridiculously good at Uno. So good that she beat me four times in a row, despite the fact that I was aggressively trying to cheat.

Rumor has it Alexis is a very gracious winner when she plays Uno with her friends. Turns out, not so much when I'm her victim.

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Reader Comments (5)

you tried to cheat? for shame!

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterhello haha narf

Finding out that your daughter is, even for other people, as fantabulisitic as you always thought is pretty great, isn't it? Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy towards her, and the people who think so, too.

What I want to know is....can you bottle up some of that picking friends with parents you can like too and send some to us? The Howler seems hell-bent in that arena. Just one consistant friend whose parents not make me feel creeped out or skeeved would be nice.

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermumple

@hello haha narf--It's not *MY* fault she kept laying her cards on the table. I'd see those stupid +4 black cards and knew I was screwed no matter what I did, but I still tried to cheat. I'm not proud of it, but, well, yeah I am. Kids need to lose once in a while. Heh.

October 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle (~~burghbaby~~)

I *love* playing Uno. Cards of all kind, but especially Uno. I might have taught the girls to play as soon as they recognized numbers and colors. And now they understand how to look at each other's cards and gang up against me. sigh.

October 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA

I LOVE Uno, but my husband will rarely play with me because he says I'm too competitive. It's true. [Insert a "Monica" from Friends reference here.] I'll have to try and teach Eva to play soon. Maybe she can learn my strategy. Muahahahaha!

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNo Princesses Here
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