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She's Allowed to Change Her Mind

Once upon a time, Alexis had opinions about pools and water and such.

VERY strong opinions.

As time went on, she started to find the joy in a little splishy splashy.

But only when it came with a small, inflatable pool. She had ZERO interest in getting into water deeper than her ankles.

Until this year.

This year we have burned through small, inflatable pools. The kid wanted to play in them nearly daily, which put their chances of being exposed to a murderous weapon of inflatable poppage very high. One after another, the vast supply of inflatable pools I had been acquiring on clearance in previous years was stabbed, stretched, gutted, or otherwise ruined.

When Alexis' favorite inflatable pool met a VERY violent end last weekend and we didn't have a replacement, we knew we needed to go out and find a new one. Of course, finding a pool in August when it's 95 degrees outside makes a little bit too much sense--they were completely sold out everywhere. If I remember correctly, pools were on display in February when we had two feet of snow, so of course there were none around now that they're actually useful.

We trekked from store-to-store, trying to find something that would be good enough. Anything. We finally found a half-decent Nemo pool at Target and SCORE! It was on clearance. FOR $20.

$20! Inflatable pools have been surviving an average of a week lately for us, so that seemed like a wee bit more than was reasonable. However, there were no alternatives.

Except that there was.

Mr. Husband some how, some way, happened upon a 10' pool at Target. It was only 30" deep, which pretty much made it the most perfect size ever for Alexis and all of her friends in the neighborhood. As we stood in the aisle at Target, I realized I had a problem on my hands. Mr. Husband had shown the pool to Alexis, and she had made up her mind that she wanted it.

Mr. Husband pointed out that it was like buying 3-4 inflatable pools, but that it might actually last a full year.

Alexis pointed out that she Wanted! The! Pool!

Mr. Husband made sure I recognized that it was the perfect size.

Alexis pointed out that she Wanted! The! Pool!

Mr. Husband found himself a giant bulldozer and used it to shove me into a corner.

Alexis pointed out that she Wanted! The! Pool!

She got the pool.

Alexis has very strong opinions about water and pools and such. They just aren't the same opinions she had three years ago.

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Reader Comments (5)

Did you get the kind of pool that looks like a big bubble? We have used those since they first came out....they are very durable and we will most definitely be putting one up next summer! She looks just so happy, how can you resist that smile?! ;)
August 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPriscilla
She's female, of COURSE she's allowed to change her mind!

She looks so grown up in that picture for some reason.
August 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMadame Queen
Heh. Apparently we both have SUCKER stamped over our foreheads.
August 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren
Oh happy day!!!! Lucky girl!

My oldest just learned to swim under water yesterday and I couldn't be more excited. Swimming is one of my very favorite things to do so I just can't wait until my cautious little boys finally all learn to swim. :)
August 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKat
LOVE that last picture. Love.
August 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVDog
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