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Taking Off the Rose-Colored Glasses

I still remember when the Super Bowl halftime show looked like this.

6th grade, baby. Times were much different waaaaay back then.

1991 was a little bit better, I suppose, but only if you liked New Kids on the Block.

But then the halftime show became something worth talking about a few years later. Everything changed and suddenly there was a show within the show. I don't know if everybody feels this way, but I've come to think of the halftime performance as Must See TV.

That's where I went wrong.

It was the middle of the second quarter when Alexis was all, "I'm going upstairs." I was all, "No way, young lady."

I made my kid stick around so she could watch Justin Timberlake with me. IT WAS MUST SEE TV, DARN IT.

It was through her (very bored and slightly annoyed) eyes that I saw it. You guys, I think maybe I've been giving JT too much credit. As Alexis rolled her eyes and sighed and generally made sure I absolutely knew that she thought his performance was lackluster at best, I realized she ... might ... be ... right.

His wardrobe choice was worse than questionable.

The singing was - meh -.

The dancing was good, but the Rockettes were too. So.

As I watched Alexis decide JT is an average white guy doing average white guy things, I looked back on history. I THINK MAYBE HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AN AVERAGE WHITE GUY DOING AVERAGE WHITE GUY THINGS. With the exception of a few SNL skits that are amazing, but were written by other people, he's just sort of ... Aw, hell. I think maybe JT sucks. He has basically made a career out of being the guy that slept with Britney and then told everybody he did it and then cried when she cheated on him (but he cheated first, I think, so WHATEVER). That's it. That's his whole schtick.

Talk me off the ledge, y'all. Or don't. If he really is just sort of okay at best, then I guess we should all hang out in that reality together.

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Reader Comments (1)

Welcome to the dark side! I'be been totally not impressed with him since the first day I knew who he was. He's a singing version of the Kardasians: he's famous because he's famous, not because he has talent. Most celebs bore me to tears anyway (and please don't ask me about Brad or George or Leo. More non starters.

February 5, 2018 | Unregistered Commentermumple
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