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The Bomb Went Off and It Was Filled With Glitter and Rainbows

It happened because I had a bunch of dummies I needed to get out of the office. CPR dummies, that is. I know the politically correct term is "manikins," but it's much more fun to say that I shoved six dummies in my trunk, so I reject the politically correct universe. As I made my way out to the car, it dawned on me that I would have to pass Alexis' preschool and the place she goes to for dance class as I ventured to the dummies' home. It made more sense to just pick her up on my way, thereby eliminating the need to drive in one giant rushed circle. Plus, that would mean we might get 20 minutes or so of unsupervised shopping time before it was time for her to tappa-tappa-tappa (plus five Cool Points if you get that reference).

As I pulled into the preschool parking lot, I heard it. The sound of Danger.


Loud music.

When loud music comes pouring from the walls of our preschool, it can only mean one thing; The Beasts are sleeping. I thought I was safely past Nap 'O Clock when I made the decision to pick up Alexis, but I most certainly was not.

I cautiously opened the door to her classroom, fully expecting the world to end as I did. There aren't many things I fear in life, but twenty sleeping preschoolers is very high on that list. It ranks even higher than twenty awake preschoolers because at least with the awake kids, I can yell, "HEY, LOOK! It's Hannah Montana!" as I run away. Sleeping preschoolers? HOOBOY. Those are ticking bombs.

As I cautiously glanced around the room, I realized that the school had changed the Nap Road Map. Instead of being surrounded by 20 sleeping preschoolers, I was surrounded by 20 VERY DEFINITELY awake Pre-K kids.  Our daycare/preschool is of the opinion that all kids need some down time, so even the older ones are required to chill out on a mat for a little bit while the younger ones nap.

The eyes. The laser-beam eyes. There were 40 of them on me, staring and glaring and burning holes in my head. I had to cross the mine field of quietly-awake-and-just-waiting-for-an-excuse-to-attack kids to get to my kid in the next room over. I tip-toed, fists clenched in case I had to defend myself from a rabid Pre-K child. Each cough and sniffle sent me into Battle Mode. I swear the evil little monsters coughed and sniffled extra just because they enjoy scaring the crap out of adults.

I finally managed to Jackie Chan my way across the room, and peered carefully into the next one. I silently chanted, "please be awake please be awake please be awake" as I searched for the familiar brunette curls. Alexis is a BEAST when she is awakened from her now-rare nap.  I would rather tie a steak necklace around my neck and poke a sleeping lion with my nose than so much as breathe on a sleeping Alexis.

Every last kid was asleep. Including Alexis.

A lone tear trickled out of my left eye as I thought about the disaster that was about to happen. I was going to poke the Tiny Terrorist, she was going to snarl at me, and all of the other kids would hear her battle cry. It would be like zombies rising from the dead as they all came to life and started attacking me.

It was too late to give up on the mission, so I gingerly tip-toed over to Alexis and gently put my hand on her back. I cringed as she turned her head. I flinched as she rolled over. I nearly screamed with fear as she opened her eyes.

She looked around, trying to process what had woken her up. I could hear the gears in her brain churning as they prepared to let out a battle cry.

Finally, her eyes found me.

I cringed again as I prepared to run for my life.

Her eyes lip up with the recognition and a love-filled smile spread across her mouth. "Momma!" she whispered softly. She leapt up from her cot and wrapped her tiny arms around me.

I'd gladly cross a million mine fields if it meant I could relive that moment again and again and again.

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Reader Comments (18)

So sweet! Those are the kind of moments I live for, that all of us moms live for. They definitely make up for all those other "beast" moments that I've been so familiar with as we approach a certain someone's 3rd birthday around here. :)

April 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNo Princesses Here

Awww...I love when they are sweet:)

April 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNap Warden

Total cry fest for me this morning. I was laughing, laughing, nodding and laughing and then....the look of recognition and Momma and hugging and TEARS.

Also you are brave. You will be my Yoda.

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCass

As someone who used to work in daycares, I found this post completely hilarious! Oh, and they don't make the older ones "rest" because they think they need it. They make them "rest" because THE TEACHERS need it!

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Brought a tear to my eye. That's (one part of) what it's all about! Ah, the love. :-)

Man, you are so good at telling a tale - I love your daily story style.

And, oh, how I can agree with the minefield of children, especially those with laser-beam eyes. You just send out the strongest vibes you can that resonate, "I'm invisible, there's nothing here, you don't see me." That, and don't make eye contact.

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterScrumpyDaddy

Cool reference: The Simpsons: Lisa wears shoes that help her dance, her teacher teaches to the beat of Tappa-Tappa-Tappa.

AND its Alexis is of course adorable!


April 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteradriennemcc

That last sentence did it. Now I'm blubbering here at work. As if they didn't think I was enough of a boob!

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpam

Ditto all the others - those are the best moments and always so sweet to savor when you get them.

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermattieflap

There may have even been a unicorn in that bomb. Such a sweet reaction from Alexis.

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTara R.

Well of course she was happy... this was an unexpected Mommy Surprise!

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbluzdude


So how was the shopping? ;)

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFlea

@Flea--Shopping didn't happen, but surprise donuts did. Alexis was a happy camper.

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBurgh Baby

Morgan, usually, wakes on her own from naps. On the here and there times I need to wake her up, I am scared. Very, very scared. Last week, I had to wake her from her nap if I had any hopes of her going to bed before 10pm. I was SO SO careful while waking her. I admit....I was a scared, scared little girl. When she opened her eyes and they focused on me, her little grin spread across her face and she said, real quietly, "Hello there, Mama. My missed you."

A hundred bucks says the next time I have to wake her, she threatens to cut me in my sleep ;)

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKellie

I was CRINGING reading this... that sounds awfully terrifying.

Until the adorable and impossibly sweet ending. What a gift.

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

Donuts AND the sweetest moment EVAH? How do you top that? :-) I would glady trade my strep monster for donuts and a hug. Okay, just the hug would do it.

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA

That is awesome! We seem to have the same problem when the kids are prematurely woken up - some days I would rather saw off my own arm with a butter knife than have to wake any of my kids up. I am so glad it turned out well for you - I would not want to know what kinds of looks you would have gotten from the TEACHERS had her howls woken any other kids up!

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNicole

My absolute favorite thing is when Maggie doesn't see me walk into school while she's playing, so I'll watch her for a few minutes. Then she notices me and her whole face lights up! She runs over yelling MOMMY! and grabs my legs.


April 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJen

That is awesome! Those are the moments that make a mommy's heart melt!

But it does not seem like the best set up for nap time. The awake kids by the door where parents and others might come in? They might want to re-think that...

April 30, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercaramama
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