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The Center of the Universe

This past weekend there was a recognition type thing for cheer because, basically, the Big Kid is old and stuff. She's been a cheerleader for FIVE YEARS OMG. How is she old enough to have done anything five years? HOW?


Anyway, the recognition type thing was basically "we're going to read your name over the loudspeaker while you walk across the field." Alexis had to do the walking with her parental units, which OMG SO AWFUL. Who wants to be seen in public with their parents? 

Usually, Alexis is fine with it. There's something about being singled out in front of a crowd that makes her SUPER uncomfortable, though. For as much as she loves being on a stage and dancing and she loves being part of a team and cheering, she really doesn't want to be in the spotlight. She flatly refuses to do solo performances for exactly that reason.

I can relate, for what it's worth. I'm cool with just about anything except being the center of attention. I have about 30 people I want to drag into the spotlight with me no matter what the situation may be.

So poor Alexis stood on that field, completely miserable because there were people looking at her. (I recognize the crazy in this. The same people were watching during her halftime dance. I didn't say hating to be the center of attention ever makes sense.) Miss Mila, though. OH, MISS MILA.

Of course Mila had to be on the field with us because she's three and not allowed to run wild in the bleachers. It's a very reasonable rule written specifically because I've met her. She's lacking that self-preservation gene. Mila started her little on-field adventure very confused. "Why are we in the football game?" she asked at least 2346590358 times.

I wasn't sure how to answer that, by the way. I suspect that if we explained that the mission is to take the ball away from the other players, she'd find a way to crush a whole team of 11 year olds. We maybe SHOULD put her in the game.

She wasn't in the game Sunday, though. She may have tried more than once to go running all around the field, but she failed because I've met her. I knew she would try to bolt. I also knew she would try to bust out a song and dance or jump around like her pants were on fire or anything else from her long list of ways she gets everyone to look at her. Mila really super likes to be the center of attention.

That apparently is a thing that Alexis knows. As we were standing on the side of the field just about to walk across, Alexis began to literally hide behind her little sister. She also tried to bribe her to do something nuts. "Yell HELLO! really loud!" "Are you wearing underwear? You should show everyone your My Little Pony underwear!" "Let's sing like Elsa!" and a dozen other ideas were thrown out.

Basically, it's my job to force one kid to stand nicely and accept recognition for a job well done while I also force the other kid to stand nicely. Being a parent is weird.


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