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The End of Sixth Grade Marks the Start of the Milkshake Club

While this one was over there engaging in these shenanigans ...

May18 006

This one was over here with this nonsense ...

May18 021

All together now ... WHAT. THE. HELL.

Just like that, the original Burgh Baby done gone and grew up enough to be a seventh grader. Wait, did I already say WHAT THE HELL because that's about all I've got right now.

I mean, COME ON.

August 17 008

May18 023

Yes, that's the exact same outfit. The kid is officially old enough to not only humor me, but to find the fun in humoring me. Mostly the fun is in THOSE ARE NOT CAPRIS. SAME PANTS.

Alexis, the child who was just born a few minutes ago, is now 5' 3" tall. Thank goodness I'm a relatively tall human or she'd be the same height as me. Which, I'm beginning to think she may not make it to my 5' 8". I was a little over 5' 7" by the time I started seventh grade, and mostly done growing. 5' 7" also happens to be the height the predictors all gave for her when she was a newborn. WE SHALL SEE.

The best way to describe the kind of human Alexis is right now is to tell a little story about a Memorial Day parade. She marched in the parade for cheer, which whatever, but there were other people in the parade including a "Mom's Club." Like, for real, there was a group of moms who have formed a club and they had a banner and marched in the parade. I'm amazed by this fact, so of course I took a photo. Alexis came across the photo, read the banner, and looked at me, confused.

"What exactly does a 'Mom Club' do?" she asked.

"They get together and mom really hard, I guess," I replied.

Alexis pondered the idea and then sternly said, "Please don't ever do that."

NO WORRIES, KID. The look of horror on Alexis' face made me want to taunt her a bit, though, so I suggested that me and my friends had decided to start a Milkshake Club. We're going to get a banner made and go to all of the parades so that we can march, hold our banner, and drink milkshakes. We're going to have weekly meetings too, because milkshakes. This whole thing is a good plan.

I thought Alexis would be horrified by my Milkshake Club, but I was wrong. She pondered the idea for a minute then said, "You guys would be really good at that. I support you."

And THAT is exactly who Alexis is at the moment. She's the kid who supports your crazy, but is willing to give you a look when you go toooooooo far with that crazy.

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