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They Just Keep Getting Younger

Have I mentioned that my kid spends her days with a fetus? Sure, she's a very well-educated and smart and completely competent fetus, but still. FETUS. Apparently they let fetuses graduate from college these days and they even hand them teaching certificates as they walk out of the door.

So today was Alexis' first Parent Teacher Conference, which means I had to fully face the fetus and talk about my kid without yelling "GET OFF MY LAWN." I should probably admit that the teacher isn't so much young as I am old. Is this what happens when people you used to consider "old" are suddenly younger than you? I'm talking about teachers and police officers and actors and musicians and the like. I woke up one day and POOF! They're all younger than me. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?

I digress. Or something.

In case you hadn't figured it out by now, Alexis' kindergarten teacher is younger than me. Did I mention that yet? I did? Oh.

I might have mentioned it a time or two for one simple reason: it's really awkward when you sit down to talk to a person and you suddenly realize that you have tapes, er . . . I mean CDs (SHUT UP. At least I didn't say "records.") that are older than her. I sat there frozen for a long moment, totally unsure of whether I should start the conversation or not. Who's in charge in situations like that? Do I just read the report card and avoid conversation? Can I bury my nose in my phone? Is that dirt on my jeans? Oh, she's going to start? HOORAY!

I wasn't expecting any surprises during the actual review of the kid's progress. Expectations were met. Alexis continues to live that double-life she's been living for eons. At home? Mouthy. At school? Totally compliant and sweet. I suppose it's good that she wastes all of her best behavior on fetuses and classmates. I like a challenge, so it's totally OK that once she steps off of the bus, she goes into Mouthy Mode.

Not really. I'd rather she dish out a tiny dose of the mouthy to people who are paid to be with her so that I can have a few extra daily doses of the sweet version. Is that wrong? Wait. Don't answer that. I don't like being wrong.

All-in-all, the super-adorable fetus confirmed that the kid is doing well and blah, blah, blah. She's a good kid. We knew that. She's smart. We knew that. She has her teacher fooled into thinking she isn't capable of talking back. We knew she would and that it's all a lie.

So far, so good with this whole school thing.

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Reader Comments (10)

*snort* Is this teacher younger or older than me?

One of the hardest things when I started stepping into the "teacher" role was being so young and not being a parent myself, but I got over it quickly.

Did you see my quote from the front flap of a book today on twitter, about "back in the day, phones didn't have dials! wow!"

November 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCaroline

Great! I just had my daughter's 2nd grade parent-teacher meeting on tuesday! It's never a surprise to me when I hear that she's doing well, but I still love knowing that other people know she's smart, sweet, funny, etc. but at the same time don't know that she's Miss Freaking Attitude.

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTerra

I have Bear's conference next week with his teacher who is only in her 3rd year of teaching. Because my sister and sister-in-law are teachers I know that she is likely nervous about the conference (or at least, more than I am). I'm definitely going to have a problem if she tells me anything "bad" about my kid that I don't know to be true --- especially since she doesn't have kids of her own.

On another note, my dentist is like 15 years old, and unbelievably hot. Talk about uncomfortable!

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobyn

As they get older, my kids always are sure to tell me when their teachers are younger than me LOL. As they went thru elementary school, they never really were...but in middle and high school, how are there so many young folks dealing with mouthy, smart-aleck attitudes from kids who are only 3, 4, 5 years younger than them? by the time my youngest gets to middle school in 3 years, I expect some of his teachers (and the teachers of his older siblings, who at that point will be in 10th and 12th grade) to be the same age or younger than his oldest sister (who will be 23 by then)!! eek.

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterClair

I saw a cop the other day who looked about 12. I'm pretty young myself, but DANG. It's only going to get worse from here, isn't it?

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatrina

I always do a double take when seeing kids driving. Are they really old enough to be driving? Also one of our nieces started college this year. I think about what I was doing as a freshman. I don't think that shes old enough to be doing any of that. geez I'm old.

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElena

HAHAHAHA!!!!! I know exactly what you mean. My first grader's teacher is only about 25 years old and this is her FIRST YEAR TEACHING. Dear Lord above, I have all kinds of reservations about that. Last night was parent/teacher conferences and I must admit I felt the same way. BUT, so far this year she has impressed me. Thank God. ;)
Glad I am not the only one feeling ancient. ;)

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKat

I was smiling during this entire post. I was 20 when I had my son. My son will be 20 Dec. 2nd. (sob!) So I was a baby when I had him. The teachers were all around my age or a little older. But, I get what you are saying. It is like that for me at work. Ugh! I used to ALWAYS be the baby. Now, I'm the mom of the office. Some of the people call me mom. :-( Oh, I have told them to GET OFF MY LAWN! HAHA love working for this company.

Sorry they are making you feel old. You are not old you are just more knowlegable. Yeah that's it. ;-)

Happy Friday!!

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJackie

Yeah, my Youngest Boy is in 1st grade this year. One teacher is a veteran (meaning, I remember her from Oldest Boy) but the other is brand-spankin'-new. I like her, though. And I also may have felt overly full of myself when Youngest Boy told me she was running in the 5K for their school - AND I BEAT HER. Is that wrong? Ahem. Don't answer that.

And why are ALL kids I know angels at school and notsomuch angels at home?

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Mommy

Funny! When my kids were young I think I remember (is memory the first to go when you get old???) feeling relieved when they lucked out getting the young perky teachers right out of school. They were young, knew all the new methods and were'nt burnt out old biddy's that were tired of dealing with kids like mine for the 30th year in a row!!

You want to feel old, wait until you go to the Dr and they went to high school with your kids!!!! UGH!

November 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEileen
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