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Should I Ask Father Time?

Houston, we have a problem. I screwed up and accidentally allowed the Toddler to figure out that she can get in and out of the new car by herself. Now she HAS to do it herself. Getting in the car itself is no big thing since it sits approximately 4.1241 inches off the ground. The bigger challenge, of course, is getting from the car floor into her really high up car seat. That little project takes well over 5 minutes and 29 seconds (not that I'm timing it or anything). Getting down is the exact same slooooooooow as molassssssses project.

Because the Toddler is in fact a toddler, any attempts at assisting this little project so that we can, you know, maybe go somewhere in a timely manner are met with a series of screeches, howls, tears, and then there's all the ways that the Toddler demonstrates her displeasure with me for so much as trying to blow on her back in hopes of speeding things up. She ain't having help. No way.

The problem? I now need to add just over five minutes to all car rides. So, if I'm taking her to daycare in the morning, we have our loading and unloading process, totally nearly 11 minutes. I don't have 11 minutes to spare in the morning. And I'm NOT getting up any earlier just so the kid has time to get in the car. Add in a repeat loading and unloading process when I pick her up from daycare, and now I'm out 22 minutes. I don't have 22 minutes to spare in a day.

I'm thinking I need to apply for a minimum of an extra 20 to 30 minutes in each day just so that I can maintain a semblance of sanity. Who do I need to talk to so that I can get that process rolling?

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Reader Comments (36)

*had* should be *add* see, this is why I don't stay up past 10 PM.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

But mommy, just because I had 144 minutes to each week doesn't mean that I'm not the cutes thing evah and I love you for my new totally accessible car and seat and all that stuff.. :-)

The picture is too cute. Thanks for the grins.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

If you happen to discover who to talk to for that extra time, could you maybe send me a copy of that application? I could use a few more minutes here, too....

And the expression on her face totally looks like "I didn't fall out of that seat. I MEANT to land like that."

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThe Sports Mama

Okay, but where is the post about the shindig? I am anxious to hear about it!

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Aivlene insists on doing her carseat, "BY MYSELFS!" and I am all, "Yeah, well I want to get there um, TODAY?". Then there is a big fight. I feel your pain.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCorrie

Welcome to the world of "Me do it!", it's great fun eh?

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTammy

If she weren't so darned cute, I'm sure she wouldn't get away with so much, right?

And hey, if you find out how to get those extra minutes, clue me in, too!!!

Peace - D

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMomma

You are a way nicer mom than I am. I just lift the child in physically restrain them. (In the car seat of course.) They only scream for the first 15 miles or so.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

If you figure that process out,let me know. I could use some more time so that maybe I could actually get enough sleep to feel human.....

that picture- priceless!

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPam

Dude, Sumo just figured out how to unbuckle his carseat this past week. That sucks a lot because I'm the only one in hte car with him and I'm behind the wheel so can't corral him back into his seat . . .

Don't they make childproof carseats? They shoud.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTranny Head

Ah, independence...ain't it grand? NOT!!

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa

I agree with Karen. That's what I used to do. But my kids are teens now and when I try to pick them up they laugh at my feeble attempts.

"Look at our little mommy. It's so cute when she gets angry."

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkiki

OMG we have the same problem. And if I pick her up half way through the process so maybe we can hurry up and get going she gets very upset. Then she has to get out and start the process OVER, from the beginning! DO NOT, I warn you, try to pick her up half way through the process, now you are looking at 8 minutes 15 seconds.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Brooks

Yes, independence - once it's given to a toddler it can never be taken back.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercalicobebop

Oh no! Not the "I CAN DO IT ME SELF" stage. Oh no! I am not ready.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersecret agent mama

hehe I love how she looks like she oozed from the car and is just like 'oomph'.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

This is just one of those battles mom seem to lose :(
But she's cute :) (just say that again and again and again)

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

I see who wears the pants in this family ... or, pink Dora shorts.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjust jamie


sorry to laugh but i DO sit here on my high horse, looking back at toddler mom from the elevated position of teenager mom.

i feel a song coming on.

"you've only just begun .........."

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthe planet of janet

Like sands in the hourglass..so are the days of our lives. Sorry. Couldn't resist.

And, is it me, or is she way more auburn in that picture?

If you figure that out please let me know because I could use a few more hours myself!

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPoltzie

Oh my, if you put a dark brown wig on Alexis I swear she would be my little Emily - 14 years ago. Not just because of her looks - I swear they are the same person. For instance, I know all too well the marathon getting-into-the-car sessions.

Which means, I'm sorry to say, you're in denial. Alas, you'll have to get used to getting up 15 minutes earlier to get your darlin' into the car. Sorry.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSarah O.

See, that's what you get for teaching your kids stuff. I have the same problem with the dishes and Gracie. I taught her and now it takes an extra hour for the dishes to get done when she helps.

By the way, yesterday I turned around and Evie had figured out how to squiggle out of her five point car seat, turn around and stand up. I am SO in trouble.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCecily R

Yup, yup...all of that cute smartness comes at a price. But you will adjust...as you have up to this point and as you will continue to do. As long as you always remember just to let her do it "mine own self."

Oh, man...FUN TIMES!!!!! Hehehe...

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkim-d

Oh, I SO feel your pain on this one! My compromise is to let Cooper buckle the chest clip when we are in a hurry - most of the time it is enough of a distraction to make him forget that he didn't get to climb in the car all by himself. Independence is such a double-edged sword! For the longest time I wanted my kids to actually do things - for themselves - and now that they do? Thank goodness I rarely have to be anywhere at a specific time.

I think her and Morgan share a brain. Morgan can't climb into the Jeep by herself, but she MUST climb into her high up car seat. And she MUST say hello to the stroller in the back of the Jeep. And she MUST situate herself just so in the seat and then she MUST buckle the harness strap while I buckle the buckles. Great fun, I tell you.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKellie

So just remind her of this later when she's a teenager and HAS to be somewhere "impotant" right now... I would so use this. A lot. I would, so should you! :D

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHey it's Amy Shipp

Important!! hehe

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHey it's Amy Shipp

heh! Gavin did that for a while...now that we want him to climb in on his own and get himself partially buckled-in so that I can get Cooper in his seat, Gavin gets all petulant and won't do it. Just wait, she'll want you to pick her up and buckle her in once you have a second kid to manage. :)

and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with a crapload of toys in the footwells of her backseat...I'm really impressed that you got it full so quick in the new car! That would take me at least a good 10 days.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterColleen

That has got to be so frustrating! Every second the pumpkin wants to do something by herself and takes forever to do it, I try so hard not to loose my patience.

Let me know if you find out how to get any extra time out of the day. I've been trying to figure that out for years.

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercaramama

YOu crack me up as usual. Say, if you ever find out, let me know because that's still a source of frustration and my kids are 12 & 9. It has gotten better this year. I could be standing at the front door unlocking it before they ever got out of the car. Stores are the same way. I even prep them and say "Okay, now we're pulling into the parking lot. Get ready." I turn the car off and get out only to find that they still have their seat belts on! I have no clue why it takes them so dern long! Is it really that hard? ARG! This picture was super funny btw...

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBirdie

Seriously? Your kid and mine share a freaking brain. Mine started the exact same thing about a week or two ago.

My time-saving tip? Get yourself a stepping stool (about $6 at Walmart)so that it makes it easier for her to get into the car seat.

Also, I let the kiddo out in the garage with the door open to let him start the process of climbing in the seat while I am grabbing the rest of the things, changing the temps on the thermostats and those last minute details. By the time I have my shoes on, the toddler is in the car seat waiting for me to chain him up.

Luckily, mine's afraid of heights, so he makes me get him down. So I can't help you on that end, but hey, at least I've gotten you 11 minutes back in your day, right?

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCatwoman

And so it begins.

Welcome to my world. I have three of those, all in the same car seat. ;)

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOHmommy

Peanut climbs on to the seat and then into the carseat. It makes it a little easier. That's when I actally have the patience to let her do it herself. Usually I just pick her up and put her in screaming or not. Her favorite game is to get in her big sister's booster seat. That's always fun especially when it's in the back of the van and I have to chase her back there. Aren't kids just the funnest?

May 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie Yost

Oh it ONLY gets better. Be careful. If you do certain things for them (in my case I had the NERVE to flush the toilet before Bean) they will FLIP out!
It sucks.

May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarmarbug

Be glad that you don't have a minivan in which ALL dolls/stuffed animals who are accompanying us must first be seat belted in all available seats by 4 YO before she gets in her own seat that she insists on buckling herself. And then reverse when we get to our destination. Good God!

May 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSherE1

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