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The Other Half Of Looking Back

As I was reading through the year's worth of archives last week, it was pretty evident to me that this site is going through some growing pains. It was an expected find as I knew it would happen right around this time, but still. Knowing that I would be blogging less about Alexis as she got older (out of respect for her privacy she already approves what I write about her, albeit at a very high level) didn't make it any less evident that I didn't really catch my groove in 2011.

So, you know, thanks for sticking with me through all of that. When I checked stats for the whole year, I was blown away by the number (1,000,000+ page views . . . WHAT THE WHAT?!?!?). Y'all are some patient people and I appreciate it. 2012 is going to be a year of Monumental Changes, I just know it, so hopefully I'll have a word or two worth writing as it all unfolds.

Anyway, the second half of 2011 brought . . .

In July I unveiled evidence that I live with a hoarder, Alexis learned the word "testicles," and our fridge tried to destroy me.


August brought the end of Dora (WOOOOO!), the revelation that the hoarder thing is genetic, and I turned a dresser into the most sparkliest girly-girl piece of furniture the world has ever seen.


Then came September and Alexis started kindergarten. Which, the hell? How did that happen so fast?

We spent part of the month building a loft, and I'm still wondering what the answer to this question will be.

October is one of the best months of the year, as evidenced by Crazy Scary.

October was also when the husband's hoarding paid off, and when a bunch of people got all judgy about a post that I wrote about my mom. Oh, and there was that thing where I had to perform Earring Back Surgery on my kid without throwing up.

November brought the start of Christmas Crazy and I threw some kryptonite at my husband.


And then there was December. I think the big game-changer there was this post, a post about the day that has changed everything. We're still waiting to see how that story will end.

There was also this post about the beginning of the eventual, the day we met Benjamin, and y'all blew me away with Christmas Crazy.

Not mentioned in the recaps are any of the dozens of recipes I posted in 2011. You can access all of them here. The most read post was the one about Campfire Bananas (AKA Banana Boats), but the Nutella Nut Roll didn't do too shabby either. My personal favorite is still either the Risotto or Vegetable Paella, which I think just goes to prove I do know how to eat healthy foods.

Thanks for sticking with me in 2011, and here's to a 2012 that ends a little better than 2011 did.


Amish Beards, Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal, and a Giveaway!  (CLOSED)

It took 20 years and way more money than I'm willing to acknowledge, but I think I have finally done it. I think I have finally found the right combination of treatments to control my acne.

*cue angels singing*

You guys, I can't even tell you how happy this makes me. I've been battling acne since my teen years. Never severe acne, just constant, unrelenting, scar-leaving acne. It has always been enough to make me just short of insane. But it's mostly gone now! Hooray!

Of course, there's always a catch. ALWAYS.

Just as the acne mostly disappeared, and the scars started to fade, I noticed something. It's been there all along, but it wasn't all that prominent since there were other more obvious issues with my face.

I have an Amish beard, y'all.

Most my face is covered with fine blond hair. It's not terribly noticeable to most people, but I notice it. I NOTICE IT.

We won't discuss all the times I've used scissors to trim MY FREAKIN' AMISH BEARD. We won't talk about how I may have "accidentally" placed some pore strips in odd places to get rid of some of MY FREAKIN' AMISH BEARD.

All I'm going to admit is that when BlogHer contacted me and asked if I would be interested in trying New Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo, I couldn't possibly type, "Yes, please" fast enough.

The New Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo showed up in my mailbox and was promptly escorted to my bathroom. Immediately. Do not pass go, do not pause to pet the cat, just go get rid of the Amish beard, please!

I followed the directions (of course) and started by applying the Skin Guarding Balm. Then I put on the cream. I waited eight minutes, wiped the product off with a cotton ball and . . .

No more Amish beard! Hooray!

I didn't notice any sort of skin irritation, so it was a gentle solution that took less than ten minutes total. That's way better than any of the alternatives.

BlogHer and New Olay Smooth Finish Facial Hair Removal Duo have given me the gift of an Amish beard-free face, and now they want to give a little something to you. Leave a comment below to be eligible to win a $50 gift card.

Just tell me one thing you do as part of your beauty routine to express your inner beauty.


This sweepstakes runs from 1/3/2012 - 2/3/2012.

No duplicate comments.

You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:

a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post

b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post

c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post

d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.

Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.

You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.

Be sure to visit the Promotions & Prizes page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

While we’re on the subject of looking good, you might want to check out the “Looking Your Best” posts in the Life Well Lived section of BlogHer.com. There are some great tips and expert posts!


Looking Back For Just A Second

I tend to maintain my focus squarely on what lies ahead, rarely taking a moment to look back over my shoulder at the past. I don't think there is inherently anything wrong with that, but when I ended up in the archives for this site last week for a completely random reason, I found myself wishing I spent more time reading through the gifts I've left myself. Since then I have taken the time to read through the entire past year of posts (all 371 of them!) and managed to bookmark a few from each month that stood out for me.

I'm so nice that I'll share! Here's the first half of the year in review, along with a favorite photo from each month:

In January, I posted what I think is my favorite post ever. In response to some comments about the post, the next day I wrote a different version of it. I'm still working hard to make sure I live the first version.

I revealed the most awesomest of awesome playrooms ever.

Alexis celebrated her fifth birthday and showed she was ready to leave her Shy Girl Attitude behind.

In February, I explained why I would rather stab my eyes out with a Q-Tip than ever deal with a certain pediatrician again.

I noticed a little girl in the grocery store parking lot and learned a lot from her, like which road to take to get to work.

In March, I revealed the power of the disco ball. That trick still works for me.

We went to Disney World and Alexis got her Princess On and then showed just how very Five she really was.

April brought a certain little bundle of awesome to our house. His name is Max.

This post from that month was selected for recognition by BlogHer Voices of the Year.

May was a great month, as evidenced by the fact that Alexis graduated from preschool and she survived her first real dance recital.

I finally managed to make our back yard look respectable and I freaked everyone out with wallpaper.

In June, I posted about our fairy garden. That post still gets a ton of traffic from pinterest.

I also wrote a post that I really needed to read today. Past me is pretty smart sometimes.

Oh, and I hung out with some furries. FUN TIMES!


I'll be back with the second half of the year. 2011 sure was something.