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Blurred Lines and the Easter Bunny

It has been over two years since Alexis first reported that she saw the Easter Bunny in her bedroom. TWO YEARS. If you click over to the original post and watch the video, you'll see something that can be recreated today. Alexis still tells that story exactly the same way.

The only explanation I can come up with is that Alexis saw him in a dream. It must have been one of those dreams that is so vivid that it sticks with you for months and months ... and in this case years. It must have been one of those dreams that blurs the lines between reality and the dream world and makes you question what you think you know.

I've certainly had my fair share of those dreams.

There's a recent one that is going to be added to the list and ZOMG IS IT DUMB. So dumb. But I can't shake it. Even though I know it wasn't real, it follows me around day-by-day and makes me slap myself up the head.

I get Brownie points for knowing it's a dream, though. At least I'm sane enough to know that there isn't really a ghost following me around.

That was the dream, in a nut shell. I walked around all over the place and a ghost followed me. Through the park, at my desk, while cooking dinner ... everywhere. All the while, the ghost let me know it was there by flipping and twirling me hair. In the dream, I tried to cover up for the whole thing by swatting at the ghost when it twirled my hair, but only if nobody else was looking. Even as I tried to make it go away, I didn't want anyone else to know that I had a little invisible friend.

I really do have a little friend, by the way -- she's just not invisible. On the night that I had the dream, a certain 8-year old was sleeping in our bed. As usual, she had herself wrapped around my head and was flipping and twirling my hair in her sleep.

And I really was swatting at her. I was asleep, but I was definitely swatting at her.

Totally asleep. Lines between reality and the dream world blurring.

Which brings us back to that darned Easter Bunny. He's one of those blurry lines between reality and the dream world. Alexis doesn't even know it.

Either that, or I'm wrong and she really did see the Easter Bunny in her room. If that's the case, then I guess maybe there really is a ghost walking around behind me as well.

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