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Dear Mr. Toomey

Dear Mr. Toomey,

I write this not because I expect to change your mind, but because the entire reason I write in this space is to remember.

And I will remember.

I will remember that in 2017, you put partisanship ahead of our kids' future. Despite an overwhelming amount of evidence that Betsy Devos is spectacularly unqualified to lead the Department of Education, you looked the other way and endorsed her. Thousands of your constituents, Republican and Democrat alike, voiced their concerns through voicemails, phone calls, tweets, Facebook posts, and in person. At a time when political parties have never been further apart, we agreed on this. Yet, you refused to listen.

We will remember. I'll make sure of it.

We will remember that you ignored the warning signs that Devos was named for the position specifically because she paid to play. She donated to your campaign and other Republican campaigns nationwide, so you have to reward her. You could prove that you can't be bought, but, well, you can be. You have been bought and you're too much of a coward to back away from that payment.

You care more about keeping Devos happy than you do the thousands and thousands of constituents who asked you to say no. You care about keeping Devos happy more than you care that guns do not belong in schools, that Devos has no plans for improving our school systems, that she is only in it to make even more money, and that she has zero experience with public school systems.

As the days go by and Devos continues to demonstrate her incompetence as the head of the Department of Education, it will be on you. We will remind you every single time she makes a mistake that it is your fault.

We will remember.


A Woman Who Asks Only that Education Be Led By Educators

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Reader Comments (1)

What I just emailed my husband: "We are starting a new category in the budget called 'Whoever runs against Pat Toomey' and we're putting $10 a month into it."
He is going to go down.

February 8, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle B
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